An exciting free program has been developed to help Warrnambool residents encourage wildlife into their garden.
Only a small portion of the indigenous vegetation that used to cover the Warrnambool area remains, generally in small isolated patches which makes it difficult for native wildlife to survive, thrive and move between patches.
You can improve the habitat for wildlife in your garden by creating a wildlife friendly garden that provides shelter, food and water. Your garden can contribute to the survival of our local wildlife and provide a stepping stone for them to move through the area.
What makes a garden wildlife friendly?
A wildlife friendly garden includes some or all of the following:
- A mature tree, native to the area
- A mixture of plant layers such as trees, shrubs and groundcovers
- Dense shrubs for birds to shelter in
- Nectar plants for honeyeaters
- Cat-safe bird bath
- Warm sheltered area for lizards
- Butterfly hosting plants
- Frog friendly pond or bog
- Patch of natural mulch for beetles and worms
Gardens for Wildlife Pilot Program
During the pilot program, 10 gardens will be visited by trained volunteer garden advisors. The volunteer garden advisors will provide helpful, practical advice, to assist participants to make their garden more wildlife friendly.
The pilot program was launched on May 18 2021 and is currently fully subscribed.
Once completed, the pilot program will be assessed and this page will be updated with future happenings.
Bringing the Wildlife to Your Back Door
The pilot program has indicated a demand for information. The Bringing the Wildlife to Your Back Door booklet is being provided to help you get started on your gardening for wildlife journey. The booklet is a great resource that provides information, considerations, tips and suggested plants to encourage wildlife to visit your garden.
Information on local plants
The plant selector tool is available for more information on local native plants.