Wednesday, September 25, 2024
28 C

News Local

Surf Coast Arts Trail: Peter Day, statement sculptures from the heart

Moggs Creek sculptor Peter Day finds many of the components for his ‘artivist’ work where Surf Coast land meets the sea. That’s where debris from natural and man-made worlds washes...


The Victorian Legislative Assembly Economy and Infrastructure Parliamentary Committee has backed RACV’s calls to reduce the speed limit when passing...

Council’s 2025 kinder applications to open 2 April 2024

Parent Courtney Weybury is excited her family has started another chapter with Torquay Kindergarten, after watching her first...

Council’s revamped Event Grants and Sponsorship Program starts February

Surf Coast Shire Council’s Event Grants and Sponsorship Program starts in February, and features changes adopted by Council...

Making a difference for people of all abilities

Tim Harte loves seeing access and inclusion for people with disability considered ‘from the get-go’ in projects across...

New Climate Emergency Action Plan aims to inspire and support community

Surf Coast Shire Council has a new Climate Emergency Action Plan, detailing organisational goals for 2023-2025 and aiming to further inspire and support community...

Winchelsea Health Club completes 80,000 push ups for mental health awareness

The Winchelsea Health Club has been recognised as one of the top five health and fitness teams in Victoria to complete this year’s Push-Up...

Have your say on a safe cycling connection between central and north Torquay

Surf Coast Shire Council is seeking community feedback to help plan a future safe cycling connection between central and north Torquay, which is suitable...

Tribute for Cr Rose Hodge, OAM

A Medal of the Order of Australia now recognises the extraordinary community devotion of Surf Coast Shire councillor and four-time mayor Rose Hodge. Cr Hodge...

Now Open in Geelong – Kaleidoscope: the 700-square-meter vortex of serenity

Comprised of 70 tonnes of steel, prisms, and mirrors, Keith Courtney's mirror maze Kaleidoscope is now open on the forecourt of Geelong's Johnstone Park until 18 June. The installation has...

24-hour cat curfew to be introduced across Surf Coast Shire 

All cats within the Surf Coast Shire will need to be confined to their owner’s premises from 30 September 2023, under a 24-hour cat...