Wednesday, September 25, 2024
27.8 C

News Local

Surf Coast Arts Trail: Peter Day, statement sculptures from the heart

Moggs Creek sculptor Peter Day finds many of the components for his ‘artivist’ work where Surf Coast land meets the sea. That’s where debris from natural and man-made worlds washes...


The Victorian Legislative Assembly Economy and Infrastructure Parliamentary Committee has backed RACV’s calls to reduce the speed limit when passing...

Council’s 2025 kinder applications to open 2 April 2024

Parent Courtney Weybury is excited her family has started another chapter with Torquay Kindergarten, after watching her first...

Council’s revamped Event Grants and Sponsorship Program starts February

Surf Coast Shire Council’s Event Grants and Sponsorship Program starts in February, and features changes adopted by Council...

Making a difference for people of all abilities

Tim Harte loves seeing access and inclusion for people with disability considered ‘from the get-go’ in projects across...

New Nature Strip Policy and Guidelines provide clear direction for residents Surf Coast Shire residents now have clear direction about what landscaping is permitted on their nature strip following the Council’s adoption of its new...

Apply to join Karaaf Wetlands Community Reference Group

Council is seeking expressions of interests from community members to join its Karaaf Wetlands Community Reference Group. The group will work collaboratively with Surf Coast...

Ash Wednesday Remembered – 40 Years On

Surf Coast Shire Council will host a community event to mark the 40th anniversary of the Ash Wednesday bushfires, providing a space for people...

Men’s Shed signs up to support Quay Reserve Community Orchard

When several local gardening enthusiasts looked at the amount of green space surrounding the playground at the Quay Reserve in Torquay a number of...

Surf Coast Shire Council elects new Mayor

Surf Coast Shire Council has elected Cr Liz Pattison as Mayor Cr Pattison is excited to take on the role for the one-year term, and will...

Pedal Power: New Cycling Strategy Paves the Way for a More Sustainable Future

Surf Coast Shire Council has adopted a five-year plan to help improve cycling safety throughout the region, while encouraging healthy and connected communities through...