Wednesday, September 25, 2024
27.3 C


Surf Coast Shire Council has updated its advocacy priorities with a clear focus on them helping deliver Council Plan 2021-25.

Council has confirmed its advocacy priorities at an important time with the federal and state elections both to be held within the next 14 months.

A new feature in Council’s advocacy priorities is the introduction of three advocacy tiers – Strategic, Major and Standard priorities. This structure provides focus for Council and potential partners and helps community members understand where Council is pitching its effort.

Each advocacy priority is linked to a Council Plan theme. The Strategic priories include:

Council Plan Theme Advocacy Priority
A Healthy, Connected Community Funding for Torquay Walking and Cycling Connections Project

Funding for Walk, Rest and Play Project Winchelsea –  Barwon Riverloop Walk, expansion of Eastern Reserve

Provision of local services for family violence, mental health, disability / aged, alcohol and drug use

Environmental Leadership Urgent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions to achieve at least a 50% reduction by 2030 and net zero emissions before 2050

Moving to a Circular Economy – waste / recycling reform and solutions

Sustainable Growth Commitment to addressing the causes of the national residential crisis including developing a National Housing Policy
Robust and diverse economy Funding for Torquay Town Centre revitalisation

Funding for Surf Coast Trails – Anglesea Mountain Bike Trails and Bike Park

Arts and Creativity Funding for Cultural Facility and Library Project

Improved mobile and internet coverage with increased data capacity

Accountable and Viable Council Improved grant funding ratios more favourable to councils, particularly rural councils

Mayor Libby Stapleton said she was pleased to align advocacy priorities to the Council Plan themes, adding that it was particularly important with elections on the horizon.

“Advocating on issues and for projects is a very effective tool in delivering for our community. It makes sense to align these priorities to the Council Plan, giving us the best opportunity to deliver the right community outcomes,” she said.

“We work at advancing our advocacy priorities at every opportunity and know that the lead up to election times is a very important time to form partnerships with other levels of government.”

“We will be working hard to deliver these projects and policy wins in the year ahead,” Mayor Stapleton said.

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